earlier this year, i entered the Friendly Competition 2010-2011 hosted by MEMEFEST (who are pretty incredible and bring up interesting and relevant discussions of the trajectory of graphic design). anyway, i was lucky enough to get my submission, a working version of one of my thesis projects: the psychology of home, accepted and published. the feedback from the curators was bang-on and was taken into consideration when finessing the final deliverable for the project. many thanks to everyone who was involved.

so now, the publication has finally arrived! here is the link from Memefest where you can view the work digitally, or find out how to get a printed copy.

PDU: Parkdale's Versions

I have been working on an exciting project with the Public Design Unit: Parkdale's Versions this summer that will be exhibited at Nuit Blanche 2011. 

For more information please visit our website and facebook group.
